Diana Wolfe Newman

Profile Updated: July 26, 2019
Residing In: Cornelius, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Joe Newman
What do you presently do now? Hair Stylist
Children: 5 cats (All rescues)
Kiki 11 years old she passed at 17
Shadow 7 years old is still with us! More…She is 18 now she takes 24 hour care with liquid vitamins and aloe to keep her going, but she's making it! Thank God! Shadow passed away at 4 am the morning of July 8th, 2019
Blue 3 years old, He passed in Sept. 2018 at 12 years old.....due to laying in wet weed killer, and then spending the day trying to lick it off. It took out his kidneys. If only the neighbor had let me know he was going to spray, that day. I could have kept him in, and he would still be with us.
Teddy Bear 2 years 10 months old....Still with us, 13 now! We are trying to teach him to be an indoor kitty. (due to the above, and the below) He doesn't like it very much. CBD oil helps a Lot!
Little Bear 2 years 10 months old ....He went missing in August of 2015. So Hard! He was our best buddy!
How long?

23 years

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

I had no Idea. My mom made me go to school. So when she said I had to go somewhere, I decided hairstyling was something I might be interested in.

What are some other jobs you have had in the past?

I bussed tables at the airport Red Baron& Cooked at Weiner King! I have been a Hair Stylist since attending Medford Beauty School in Sept. 1979


None.....All our cats are fixed.....I'm like Bob Barker there are too many unwanted pets/animals in this world. ...The solution is easy!
Just get 'er done!

The last 3 we adopted because our next door neighbor got evicted & left behind 2 momma kitties, with 11 kittens between them. The landlord was tossing them out, in 20 degree weather. If my other neighbor & I hadn't intervened. We would either have a bunch of wild cats running around (their daddy's were wild) or they would have been coyote food.


Back to what did I think I was going to do when I finished High school?...If Mom hadn't pushed the issue "You are going to College". I wouldn't have a career that has been very good to me, & one that I still Love doing! Most of my clients have been with me since I moved to Hillsboro in 1982. They are family to me. For example, one boy was 10 years old when I started cutting his hair. He is now 37, & I'm still cutting his & his family's hair. He & his sister are like my kids. It has been great fun watching them grow up into fine adults, knowing I had a small part in it!

Most of you know (that know me!) I married Steve Needham in 1981. We divorced in 1990, due to his problems with alcohol, drugs, & women. Ocassionally, we do still talk to each other. Because God does answer prayer, no matter how long ago those prayers were prayed!!! One year ago, he gave his life to Jesus & got sober! He lives in the coast range off highway 6. He loves his work....Especially his interaction with the kids...He's a janitor at Gales Creek grade school. He doesn't have a computer, so no email address. He won't be at the reunion.

Forgivness.....Is the most powerful heart healing choice we can make!

My husband Joe Newman was born in Hillsboro.....& Other than technically our address is Cornelius (we are 6 miles south of Hillsboro) he has never left. He was the first person Steve & I met when we moved here. He was a part of the group of friends we hung out with. Over the years whenever he got a new girlfirend...I got a new hair client. A few months after the divorce happened, a group of us got together & went out.....We saw each other in a whole new light, & liked what we saw! The Foundation of our relationship is that friendship, trust, & our mutual Faith in God! The journey we have been on together has been Fun, rewarding, interesting, educational, exciting, exhilarating, fascinating, frustrating at times, & challenging at other times. I wouldn't trade what we've learned, or how we grown together, for anything! He is my best friend, & life long partner! I thank God for him, (almost, LOL!) every day!

One of the really fun things we love to do: My brother & his family come up here every year to go camping with us at the beach. 27 consecutive years now! I've watched his kids grow up playing baseball in the sand! It made them both better athletes! See school story for the results!

School Story:

Some of my best memories are of being a part of the Rowdy Rooters with my friends!.....Cheering on the Black Tornado Football team! Riding the bus to the State Chamionship Game & WINNING! And Of course, the shock of all that toilet paper we had to clean up before we could practice graduation... Graduation: The beach ball & the stack of Chairs...1980s' class didn't stand a chance...They got lock down after we went through!

I'm still cheering on the Black Tornado!
My brother Brett, who graduated in 1980, is the Black Tornado Baseball coach. I got to cheer my nephew Hayden, As well as my brother, onto the state Championships in 2007. Which was Hayden's sophmore year...And this year it was my niece Amanda's turn. The Black Tornado girls softball team took the State Championship in June! This is her sophmore year....We're hoping for more sucess to come! Go! Tornado Power!!!

What have you always wanted to do that you haven't done yet?

Artisitic painting/Landscapes

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Go for long walks on the beach, or in the mountains/Hiking. Camping, canoeing, fishing, rafting, swimming....just about anything that gets me outside into God's natural creation!
When I'm at home, I love to sit in my yard & watch birds, especially the humming birds.
Oh & don't forget...I love to spend time with our cats!

Where is the farthest you have been from home?

The Bahamas/We got married on th island of St. Croix.

Where is your favorite place to go?

The Beach


It is where I feel closest to God.

If you could ask anyone who has ever lived a question, who would it be and what would you ask?

I have been pondering that question ever since I first read it. Guess I hadn't really thought about it before...I have come up with several answers. First, God...What do you want me to do, now? And, How do you want me to do it? Oh & HELP! 'Cause I can't do anything without you! Then somone said:"You get to ask Him that all the time!" So...Okay, I'm gonna go with the 2 of same things some of our other classmates have said. Jesus when Are you comming back?.....And I'd love an opportunity to talk to my Grandparents again & find out more about their lives. What it was like growing up, etc....

What would we be suprised to know about you?

First what surprise me, about me: If you had told me I was going to have 7 cats someday, I'd have called you crazy. 2 have since passed, & I miss them. But life goes on....Then again, if you had told me way back when...Someday, I would be married to Joe. I'd have called you Really Crazy! You just never know the turns life is gonna take!

1. My very favorite thing to do is: Worship God! He has done so many Awesome things in me & my life. I can't help but pour out my Gratitude!!! My husband is a worship drummer. I worship to the beat of his drumming in dance & song!

2. I was too Shy in High school to speak.....At the past reunions, someone said they thought I was stuck-up. No, just Terrified! Now you can't hardly, shut me up...As you can tell by my profile!

3. We have 1033 100% positive feedbacks on ebay as: dusty_lynne. That's a Lot of talking by email!!!

I think that's enough Surprises.

I got carried away with the pictures, but I couldn't leave anyone out! So if you don't like scenery, cats, & humming birds....It's Okay, you can pass! Otherwise....Enjoy!

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Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Jul 31, 2019 at 1:05 PM

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Dear friend! I can't wait to see you! Enjoy! Diana

Jul 27, 2019 at 12:26 PM

Happy to hear you will be at the Reunion. See you there. Oh, I am doing Meet and Greet, Emigrant, and Sunday Worship. See you soon.

Jul 26, 2019 at 8:25 PM

Hi Dave, Are you attending to reunion? I'm driving down on Thursday....gonna attend the whole thing including the rafting trip on Friday. I hope we get to connect! Hugs!!! Friends forever, Diana

Jul 26, 2019 at 8:21 PM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Glenda Smith Dixon posted a message on Diana Wolfe's Profile. New comment added.
Jun 25, 2019 at 12:19 PM

Posted on: Jun 23, 2019 at 11:29 AM

Hey Girl! Are you going to be at the reunion? My autistic son lives in residential living in Cornelius and goes to school in Gales Creek? We travel to Cornelius about every couple of months. Hope to see you at the reunion. Blessings, Glenda

Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Diana Wolfe Newman has a birthday today.
Jun 30, 2015 at 4:34 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Joe & I Hiking at Smith Rocks state Park Memorial weekend 2009!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Me with my niece Amanda (She's the catcher, first string all state!) after the girls won the Softball State Championship in June 2009!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
My baseball coach brother Brett, his wife Kim, Hayden, & Amanda, celebrating the overtime/2 extra innings! Championship Victory!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Brett, Hayden & the Black Tornado boys on the way to the state Championship in 2007!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Me hiking Neakahanie mountain August 2008 with Brett, Hayden, Amanda, their dog Cooper & our neighbors' dog Maggie. Joe isn't in the picture because he is the one taking it! Who says it doesn't get hot on the Oregon coast?!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Sunset at our favorite campsite! Barview Jetty Park!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
In 1996 Joe & I bought my Grandmother's vacation property/trailer in Florence Oregon. Our little home away from home. And the jumping off point for central oregon coast outdoor adventures! That's me on the deck!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
Joe & I Cross Country Snow Skiing on the streets, right out our front door. 18-20 inches of snow Christmas 2008!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
That's me, I fell &( I am laughing so hard) I can't get up!!! What great FUN! If you gotta have that Much snow, You might as well enjoy it!
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:30 AM
He just looks like, a little Bear!